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Rebecca Lewis
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Actor History
Reiko Aylesworth
Jessica Kaye


Former babysitter at Llanfair (1994)


Rochester, New York

Formerly Llanview, Pennsylvania

Marital Status

Single/Never Been Married

Past Marriages



Kyle Lewis (brother)



Flings & Affairs

Todd Manning

Powell Lord, III (engaged in 1994 but broke it off; resumed relationship prior to 2009)

Crimes Committed

Helped Powell commit the KAD killings and attacks [2009]

Masqueraded as Dr. Marty Saybrooke to gain access to Powell at the Sitwell Institute [2009]

Locked John McBain in a padded room at the Sitwell Institute [2009]

Kidnapped Hope Manning Thornhart (then believed to be Chloe Brennan) from Llanfair [2009]

Hit John over the head, rendering him unconscious [2009]

Struck match, causing explosion at KAD house, killing herself [May 2009]

Health and Vitals


Brief Character History

While Todd Manning was in jail for raping Marty Saybrooke in 1993, he managed to convince naive Rebecca Lewis that he wanted to change his ways. In honesty, Todd had begun to fall for Rebecca, but he still vowed vengeance on his attorney Nora Gannon for throwing the trial. One day, released for the day to work at the Tabernacle, Todd escaped and made his way back to Llanview, intent on getting revenge on Marty at long last. While attempting to attack Marty at the abandoned Tabernacle, Todd and Suede got into a vicious fight and Suede ended up dead. As the police closed in, Rebecca traded herself for Marty and then Todd went on the run with her, ending up at his father's summer home in New York. Rebecca pleaded with Todd to turn himself in, but he refused. Back in Llanview, another of Marty's rapists, Powell Lord, III, had been released early on good behavior and was terrified for Rebecca's safety. Though they were no more than friends at the time, Powell was still interested in Rebecca and wanted to see Todd back in jail where he belonged. Powell and Bo Buchanan, who was now the police commissioner, discovered Todd's location and burst in on the cottage. In a frenzy to escape, Todd let Rebecca go free and made off into the woods. Bo and Powell gave chase. In a fight on a footbridge, Todd was shot and fell into the icy river water. His body, it was assumed, was washed out to see. Rebecca and Powell returned to Llanview, breathless, and in the throes of a new-found love. They eventually got engaged.

Todd resurfaced before long and made his way back to Llanview, hiding out in the Tabernacle and befriending Tina Roberts' children C.J. and Sarah, who believed him to be a genie named "Ali". Learning that Rebecca was now working as a live-in babysitter at Llanfair, Todd snapped up the chance to get closer to her. Todd eventually confronted Rebecca, planting a long kiss on her, but she ran out in terror. Todd escaped police and eventually returned to Llanview during a costume ball at Serenity Springs, luring Rebecca outside and kissing her again. This time, she relented somewhat, but suddenly Powell broke them up and yelled for help. Todd ran off into the woods. The police gave chase. Finally, Todd was cornered and had no choice but to surrender. While Llanview breathed a collective sigh of relief, Todd was shipped off to Statesville prison. The night of his transfer, however, the car carrying Todd got into an accident with a oncoming car driven by Marty, who was taking C.J. and Jessica to a music camp in the mountains. Todd managed to free Marty and the children. Todd was eventually captured and returned to jail, but the governor granted him a pardon because of his heroic act.

After his pardon, Todd began filling his community service requirements at the hospital. It was there that he met new nurse, Alice Henson. Todd and Alice got to know each other quite well, though she was initially terrified when he told her he had been arrested for rape. Then, one night, Alice walked out to her car, fumbled for her keys and was suddenly attacked from behind by a masked figure. Alice was raped there, in the parking lot and naturally, everyone blamed Todd. Though he maintained his innocence, Marty convinced Alice that it had to have been Todd that had raped her. When another nurse feel victim to the serial rapist, Todd's freedom came into question again. When Todd tried to get close to Rebecca again, she pushed him away, scared that Todd was actually the culprit. Todd decided to find the criminal himself. He nearly caught him one night, trying to rape another woman, but the man got away. Then, Todd managed to track him to a hotel room. Breaking in, Todd was shocked to discover a notebook filled with poems to "Rebecca, my love". Powell was the rapist! Indeed, Powell was in the middle of a nervous breakdown. His guilt over raping Marty Saybrooke and his hatred for Todd had merged - he now believed that he was Todd. At the same time, Powell wanted Todd dead. While Todd lay asleep in his motel room one night, Powell broke in and stabbed him after a struggle. Marty donated the blood that saved Todd's life. Powell returned again, this time taking Todd hostage and threatening to kill both Todd and himself. Todd freed himself and attacked the psychotic Powell. Powell was arrested and sent to a mental institute, while Todd was exonerated once more. Rebecca soon left town.

In 2009, a series of stabbings occurred in Llanview and former police detective John McBain linked them to the Kappa Alpha Delta fraternity. After ruling out Zach Rosen, John figured that Powell Lord, III could provide some clues. John and Marty drove to Rochester, N.Y., where Powell had been committed to the Sitwell Institute. They gained access to the institution by claiming to be Powell's cousins, Kevin and Jessica Buchanan. Marty went to see Powell first, as John searched Powell's hospital records. John discovered that a doctor had been signing Powell out for visits, around the time of the KAD murders and Blair's stabbing, and the doctor was signing her name as Marty Saybrooke! John called Viki to see if there was any woman in Powell's life, and she mentioned his one-time finance, Rebecca Lewis. A quick online search revealed that Rebecca once worked at a hospital but quit six months ago, just before the killings began. After Marty and John left, a woman wearing a doctor's coat reading "Dr. Marty Saybrooke" appeared before the hospital administrator and was furious to see that Powell had visitors. The woman signed Marty's name to the forms and entered Powell's padded room. Powell, looking more coherent than he did when Marty visited, smiles and greeted the woman, who it turned out was Rebecca. Powell told Rebecca he was pleased that Marty and John had followed the trail to him. Rebecca then professed her love to Powell, and Powell said he needed to get out of the institute because he had "places to go and people to kill."

When John called the next day to arrange his own visit with Powell, he told the hospital administrator he wanted to speak to his doctor, Marty Saybrooke. The administrator claimed not to know anyone by that name, but Rebecca in fact asked the administrator to lie, claiming that Powell's family didn't want him to be better. After telling Powell that she had sent the invitations out as he requested, Rebecca called her brother, who it turned out was Llanview Hospital lab technician Kyle Lewis. The phone call was cut short when John appeared behind her, took her keys and went into Powell's padded room. But in Powell's place was the hospital administrator, who was dead. Suddenly Rebecca locked the door behind John, leaving him screaming inside the padded room. John found an invitation to the KAD Spring Fling reunion inside the room and began to get woozy. Rebecca explained that the invitations had been chemically tainted. John grabbed his gun and pointed it at Rebecca, but she called for help and orderlies rushed in and restrained John. Rebecca told the orderlies that John was wanted for murder and he's put in a straightjacket. Later, Rebecca turned up at Marty's hotel room, where Powell had already arrived to find Marty passed out from the same spiked invitation. Rebecca and Powell then walked a drugged-out Marty out of the room.

Rebecca and Powell then went to Todd's house and collected Todd, Blair and Téa, all of whom had passed out from the fumes of the tainted invitations. Rebecca stayed behind with a scared Jack and young Sam as Powell took the adults to the KAD House, where Marty was. Rebecca was surprised when her brother Kyle came knocking on Todd's door. Kyle said he had information that Todd's granddaughter Hope was really alive, and he hoped to get a reward from Todd for the information. Seizing the opportunity, Rebecca left Kyle with Jack and Sam and went to Llanfair, where she kidnapped the baby (who was being raised as Jessica's child Chloe) and took her to the KAD House, where she explained to Powell that the baby was Todd and Marty's grandchild. Rebecca was downstairs in the KAD House when John arrived, having escaped from Sitwell, and she hit him over the head. Rebecca was about to inject John with an unknown substance when John regained consciousness and, during a struggle, managed to inject Rebecca with the syringe. Rebecca regained consciousness, only to hear John explaining to authorities that he had killed Powell. She went downstairs to the basement, where John had just freed Blair and Téa from the locked boiler room, which was leaking gas. John and Rebecca came face to face as she lit a match, causing a massive explosion. Rebecca was presumed dead in the explosion, although everyone else miraculously survived.

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